外交部网站今天(20日)发布《2022年美国民主情况》报告,通过大量列举事实和媒体专家看法,系统梳理和呈现过去一年美国民主的真实表现,揭示美国国内民主乱象及其在全世界兜售和强加民主所制造的混乱与灾难,让世人进一步认清美国民主的真实面目。《2022年美国民主情况》报告发布:揭示美国国内民主乱象报告说,2022年,美国持续陷入民主失真、政治失能、社会失和的恶性循环。金钱政治、身份政治、社会撕裂、贫富分化等问题愈加严重。美国民主弊病已深入政治和社会肌理的方方面面,并进一步折射出其背后的治理失灵和制度缺陷。尽管自身问题成堆,美国却仍居高临下,指手画脚,充当民主教师爷,编造和渲染“民主对抗威权”虚假叙事,围绕美国的私利,在全世界划分“民主和非民主阵营”,张罗举办第二届“领导人民主峰会”,向各国盘点和分派“民主兑现承诺”。这些做法无论是打着“道义”的花言巧语,还是操着利益的掩饰手段,都隐藏不住将民主政治化、工具化,推行集团政治、服务维霸目标的真实意图。《2022年美国民主情况》报告发布:民主是全人类共同价值报告指出,民主是全人类的共同价值,但世界上不存在适用于一切国家的政治制度模式。人类文明的花园丰富多彩,各国的民主也应百花齐放。美国有美国式民主,中国有中国式民主,各国也都有适合各自国情的独特模式的民主。一个国家是不是民主,如何更好地实现民主,应由这个国家的人民来评判,而不应由少数自以为是的国家来指手画脚。报告最后强调,自由、民主、人权是人类的共同追求,也是中国共产党一贯追求的价值。中国坚持和发展全过程人民民主,把人民当家作主具体和现实地体现到中国共产党治国理政之中。中国愿就民主问题同各国加强交流互鉴,弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,推动国际关系民主化,为人类进步事业作出新的更大贡献。China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report entitled "The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022" on Monday.Based on facts, media comments and expert opinions, the report aims to present a real picture of American democracy over the past year. It reveals that American democracy was in chaos at home and that a trail of havoc and disasters were left behind as the United States peddled and imposed its democracy around the globe. It is hoped that the report will help remove the facade of American democracy for more people worldwide, the report says.In addition to the preamble and conclusion, the report has two parts titled "American democracy in chronic ills" and "The United States' imposition of 'democracy' has caused chaos around the world."In 2022, the vicious cycle of democratic pretensions, dysfunctional politics and a divided society continued in the United States, the report says, adding that problems such as money politics, identity politics, social rifts, and the gulf between the rich and the poor worsened.The maladies afflicting American democracy deeply infected U.S. politics and society, and further revealed U.S. governance's failure and institutional defects, it says.However, the United States refuses to acknowledge the many problems and institutional crises confronting its democracy at home and stubbornly claims to be the template and beacon of democracy for the world. Such imperiousness perpetuates the ills of its democracy and causes dire consequences for other countries, says the report.Democracy is humanity's common value. However, there is no single model of political system that is applicable to all countries in the world, says the report. It goes on to say that it should be up to the people of a country to judge whether the country is democratic or not and how to better promote democracy in their country. The few self-righteous countries have no right to point fingers.Those who have many flaws themselves have little credibility to lecture others, and attempts to undermine others for one's own profit and destabilize the world must be unanimously opposed, says the report, adding that black-and-white division of countries as democratic or authoritarian is both anachronistic and arbitrary.
What our world needs today is not to stoke division in the name of democracy and pursue de facto supremacy-oriented unilateralism, but to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and uphold true multilateralism on the basis of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, according to the report.It continues by saying that what our world needs today is not to interfere in other countries' internal affairs under the guise of democracy, but to advocate genuine democracy, reject pseudo-democracy and jointly promote greater democracy in international relations.What our world needs today is not a "Summit for Democracy" that hypes up confrontation and contributes nothing to the collective response to global challenges, but a conference of solidarity that focuses on taking real actions to solve prominent global challenges, the report says. 全球民调:93.15%受访者敦促美国为其战争罪行负责
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